Information for Sellers
Based on the most ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ and to make life easy for you, we have collated all the information you might need as a Seller in one place below. Just click on the relevant box. Alternatively use the menu in the header.
If you are an independent Seller with one or a few lots or a firm representing more substantial estates, we would love to hear from you equally. Our Valuations page should answer most of the questions you might have including our Conditions of Sale and our appraisal sevices.
About Us
If you are interested in learning more about JS Fine Art, please visit our About Us page.
First Time Sellers
We have put together some information for our first-time vendors including a video and step by step guide. Please click HERE to visit the page.
Please Contact Us or send a Valuation Request if you want us to value your items.
What We Sell
At JS Fine Art we sell lots including but not limited to the following:
Oil Paintings
Country & Sporting
Silver & Jewellery
Clocks & Scientific Instruments
Oriental & European Works of Art
Vintage Toys
Oriental & European Ceramics & Glass
Rugs & Textiles
Books & Book Illustrations
Arms, Armour, Medals & Militaria
Classic Cars
Fine Wines
Rare Stamps, Letters & Miscellaneous Collections
Please Contact Us or send a Valuation Request if you want us to value your items.
Our Valuation service draws on decades of experience across a wide range of departments. Please visit our Valuations Page for more detailed information and if you are a Solicitor, Asset Manager or similar representing large and/ or valuable estates, please visit our Professional Services page.
Please Contact Us or send a Valuation Request if you are a general seller and want us to value your items via email.
(The Request a Valuation link will launch a pre-populated email. It is helpful if we can have some reasonable images, any provenence and other information you may have. If we think you need to come in to see us or we need to visit you, we will let you know.)
Valuation Days
Our experts regularly provide ‘roadshow style’ valuations around the UK. Please visit our Valuation Days page for more detailed information.
Please Contact Us or send a Valuation Request if you are a general seller and want us to value your items.
Partner/ Professional Services
We provide a range of services to legal firms, insurance companies and other organisations and have experience working in sensitive situations. Please see Professional Services for more information.
Conditions of Sale
Please see our Conditions of Sale for Sellers for more information.
Our Sellers now benefit from the fact that the majority of our auctions are now broadcasted live on The Saleroom to a whole new world of online bidders. If they click on the Current Auctions tab in the menu, buyers are taken to our area on their platform and can bid live online.
If you would like to find out more about how we can help you command the best prices for your lots, please Contact Us or Request a Valuation.
(The Request a Valuation link will launch a pre-populated email. It is helpful if we can have some reasonable images, any provenence and other information you may have. If we think you need to come in to see us or we need to visit you, we will let you know.)
Have a Question?
We're here to help. Just send us a quick message using the form below and we will be in touch.
JS Fine Art Ltd
Cotefield Auction Rooms
Oxford Road
OX15 4AQ
Registered in
England & Wales
No: 07835626
VAT No: 123973507
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Social Media
We run active social media accounts on the following platforms: